You are most welcome to leave a comment. This is not a monetised site. We simply want it to be a welcoming, inclusive, thought-provoking, heart-warming, humorous and supportive environment. All we ask is that you are respectful to others, stay on topic and understand you are personally liable for the content of any comments you upload to this site. Therefore, please act responsibly and refrain from saying anything that could be deemed defamatory or illegal.

We do not pre-moderate or monitor readers’ comments in real time, but we do post-moderate on a part-time basis. We will also respond if a potential problem is brought to our attention. You can make a complaint by using the ‘Report’ link. We will then amend or delete if appropriate.

However, as Jan is a nervous, anxious soul, just trying to do her best with this new blog, let’s try to keep comments - even those that are critical – constructive, so we can all stay within the law and minimise stress. Goodness knows, there’s enough stress in the world without creating more.

Many thanks for your understanding. 

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